New Release

Why Christians Should Not Be Poor

This book title-“Why Christian Must Not Be Poor” is born out of my scriptural discovery. It took me years of findings, researching and applying principles to draw this conclusion.

In this book, I may sound too blunt but let me start by saying being poor as a Christian is a choice. Your place of birth or your level of illiteracy is irrelevant, if you can read this book then you are highly qualified to prosper in the cause of your voyage on this earth.

Why Christians Should Not Be Poor
Mr kayode

Kayode Oladimeji

Tellus tellus mattis pulvinar nulla euismod fermentum rhoncus sed vestibulum neque praesent pharetra ut fames viverra suscipit gravida dictumst volutpat ullamcorper lacus, malesuada enim proin volutpat mattis nunc amet, eget vitae egestas.

Vulputate vulputate eget cursus nam ultricies mauris, malesuada elementum lacus arcu, sit dolor ipsum, ac felis, egestas vel tortor eget aenean nam.

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